
maandag – vrijdag
8:00 – 17:00
17:30 – 20:00

(030) 233 38 88

Spoed overdag:
(030) 233 38 88 – toets 1

Spoed avond/weekend:
(088) 130 96 70




Spoed (8:00 – 17:00)
030-2333888 toets 1

Spoed (Buiten kantoortijd)



Maandag t/m vrijdag
8.00 – 17.00

Dinsdagavond spreekuur
17.30 – 20.00

Een afspraak voor het spreekuur, een telefonische afspraak of aanvraag visite maakt u telefonisch via de assistente.

Er is geen inloopspreekuur

Family Doctors City Center

ATTENTION: the zipcode area that we accept has changed again!

Currently you can only register yourself if you live in one of the following streets:

  • Van Asch van Wijckskade
  • Begijnekade
  • Noorderstraat
  • Plompetorengracht
  • Wolvenstraat
  • Wolvenplein
  • Molenstraat
  • Ridderschapstraat
  • Wijde Begijnestraat
  • Begijnehof
  • Lange Lauwerstraat
  • Korte Lauwerstraat
  • Predikherenkerkhof
  • Breedstraat
  • Weerdsingel Oostzijde to the Koekoekstraat
  • Grietstraat
  • Kwartelstraat
  • Kievitstraat to the Snelliuskade
  • Kievitdwarsstraat
  • Koekoekstraat to the Nieuwe Koekoekstraat
  • Duifstraat

If your partner, with whom you live, is already registered with us you can register with us in consultation. Unfortunately, we can’t make any other exceptions.

If you want to register as a new patient, please fill out the registration form. You can fill it in digitally and then send it to us by e-mail. When you’ve registered, please call your previous GP (if located in The Netherlands) to give them permission to send us your medical files. You can then call us for an intake appointment at (030) 233 38 88. If you are just visiting Utrecht (non-resident) and you are in need of medical care, you can also contact us to make an appointment. In that case you will have to pay for the consultation directly and you will receive an invoice.

Opening hours

Monday-Friday: 08:00 – 17:00 – Telephone: 030 233 38 88


Emergency 08:00 – 17:00  030 233 38 88 – choose 1
Out of Hours: 088 – 130 96 70
(Huisartsenpost (Burgemeester Fockema Andrealaan 60, Utrecht – Call first.))
Life threatening emergencies: call 112


You can call for an appointment from 08:00 – 12:00, tel (030 233 38 88

Home visits

In case you need a doctor, but you are not able to come to the practise for medical reasons, the doctor can do a house call. If you would like the doctor to make a home visit, please consult the assistant before 10:30 in the morning.

Consultation by telephone

When you would like to discuss a problem with the doctor by telephone (e.g. for lab results), you can let the assistant know before 12:00. The doctor will call you back.

Refills (repeat prescriptions)

There are several ways to get a refill on your regular medication.
• Online (also see ”Herhaalrecepten”), fill in the form and send it to us.
• By calling the “prescription-line” 030 233 38 88 (choose 2).
If you are requesting the recipe before noon, you can pick up your medication at the pharmacy of your choice the next day.

More information about healthcare in The Netherlands

Here you can find all your info of healthcare in the Netherlands.

U heeft 24/7 toegang tot:

e-Consult – hiermee kunt u per email een vraag stellen aan uw huisarts.
uw labuitslagen – check uw eigen bloeduitslagen.
e-Recept – hiermee kunt u uw medicijnen opnieuw bestellen.

Log eenvoudig met uw DigiD in het patiëntenportaal.